Within this document most of the implemented tags are included, study this document to see what wich tag does.
Use netscape to view this file, since the internal browser does not support all tags at this time
if you want more info about HTML Follow this link HyperText Markup Language (HTML): Working and Background Materials

<H1> heading 1 </H1>

<H1> heading 2 </H1>

<H1> heading 3 </H1>

<H1> heading 4 </H1>

<H1> heading 5 </H1>
<H1> heading 6 </H1>

The above tags can be combined to something like this BOLD-ITALICS-UNDERLINED

You can change to other types of text via:
<KBD>Wild text phrase</KBD> changes to this wild text phrase
<TT>Wild text phrase</TT> changes to this wild text phrase
<BLINK>Wild text phrase</BLINK> changes to this wild text phrase
<S>Wild text phrase</S> changes to this wild text phrase
<CITE>Wild text phrase</CITE> changes to this wild text phrase
<FONT SIZE=+3>Wild text phrase</FONT> changes to this wild text phrase
<BIG>Wild text phrase</BIG> changes to this wild text phrase you can nest this tag for BIGGER TEXT
Big enough?
<SMALL>Wild text phrase</SMALL> changes to this wild text phrase you can nest this tag for SMALLER TEXT
smal enough?

This is the body feature as used in the top of this file.
You can include a image within the brackets of BACKGROUND, this will work as a wallpaper.

This is how a jump to another site works : <A HREF=""> Here we go </A>
this is how it looks in a real situation here we go

Image links
<IMG SRC="image.ext"> Normal situation
<IMG SRC="image.gif" Align=right ALT="Graphic should be here" border=2 HEIGHT=50 WIDTH=50 VSPACE=5 HSPACE=5> Extended features Graphic should be here
The image shows up at the right side, surrounded by a border, if no picture is found the alt text will be displayed.

Horizontal rulers
<HR> normal ruler, no extras
<HR Size="6" Width="50" Align="Center"> enhanced type.
Samples are below.

Forms, sample of a message form created by tc-director
<BODY BACKGROUND="Logo.gif" TEXT="#0000FF" LINK="#FF0000" VLINK="#A0A0A4" ALINK="#808000"> </BODY>
<TITLE> Ricks Mail Form </TITLE>
State your internet adress <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="40" NAME="FROM">
State subject of conversation <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" SIZE="40" NAME="SUBJECT">
<HR SIZE=3> scribble message here <TEXTAREA NAME="MESSAGE" ROWS=25 COLS=72> </TEXTAREA>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Send message">
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Cancel message">
<CENTER> This form is created with TC-HTML (C) <A HREF=""> Tashcom software </A>
</CENTER> </H4>
Ricks Mail Form

State your internet adress
State subject of conversation

scribble message here

This form is created with TC-HTML (C) Tashcom software